Tuesday 15 October 2019

Theories for assessments

Stuart Hall - Reception Theory
Image result for stuart hall

A man named Stuart Hall came up with the idea that communication is a process involving encoding by producers and decoding by audiences and the idea that there are three hypothetical positions from which messages and meanings may be decoded:

  • The dominant-hegemonic position: the encoders intended meaning is fully understood and accepted.
  • The negotiated position: the legitimacy of the encoders message is acknowledged in general terms, although the message is adapted or negotiated to better fit the decoders own individual experiences or context.
  • The oppositional postition: the encoders message is understood, but the decoder disagrees with it, reading it in a contrary or oppositional way.
Albert Bandura's - Media Effects Theory

Image result for albert bandura

A man named Albert Bandura came up with the idea that media can implant ideas in the mind directly and that audiences acquire attitudes, emotional responses and new styles of conduct through modelling. He also had an idea that media representations of transgressive behavior, such as violence or physical aggression, can lead audience members to imitate those forms of behaviors.

George Gerbner - Cultivation theory
 Image result for george gerbner

Thursday 3 October 2019

Three countertypes

This is a countertype against old people because old people are thought to be frail and can't move easily but this person is very fit and using the gym.

This is a countertype for overweight people because people imagine them to be eating loads of food but this person is doing something about it by running and working it off.

This is a countertype against rugby players. People imagine rugby players as huge and muscly but this guy is very small but still playing.