Friday 27 September 2019

Boyz n da hood analysis - Homework

At the start of the film, they introduce it with real life facts on the screen but with an action scene happening in the background. We cannot see this scene but we can hear it entirely as it unfolds and it's clear it matches with the facts. This has been done by the producer so the audience get a true feeling of what is happening behind and to show how powerful just sound can be. We don't even need a picture to understand that there has been a shooting between two gangs or enemies which makes it so much more powerful for the reader because we can hear their minimal planning, showing how quickly and easily it can happen. It may also add to how gruesome and scary these scenes in real life can be by not showing the images, just the sound.

The first scene with images is a stop sign shown after the audio of a harsh shooting in which police attend. This quick zoom shot of a red stop sign is a very powerful opening image to the movie, especially after the awful scene before. It is used to created an impression to the viewers to stop the horrific gang violence going on around the world and stop the actions happening within the rest of the movie.

When the children first go behind the police tape the producer uses many quick jump shot transitions when showing what is behind the tape. This is to give a large, meaningful scene a quicker overview and everyone can capture every smaller detail within the shot rather than using a big wide shot where there audience might miss a key detail within the scene.

The first scene we get of the school and the kids within the school is crucial to understanding the personality and perseverance of the kids in the neighbourhood. It starts with quick jump cuts of the class work and the drawings the kids have done before panning across the classroom and all the kids. The panoramic shot from right to left of the classroom is key to understanding what the children's mentality towards school is like. All of the kids are either dazing and looking around or sleeping. None of the kids are focused on the teacher who is talking and teaching them which shows to us how unmotivated the kids in this 'hood' are towards school work.

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