Friday 6 September 2019

Youtube Video

Introduction to media - Use HTML to import a YouTube video ( JOKER - Final Trailer)

In this video, the camera uses many close-ups and distance shots of the main character. They do this so we can see the character in many different ways such as how he is in public compared to how he is alone. When alone he is seen in various close-ups so we focus on the character and his mental state but in public he is shown from more distance shots so that we can see his reaction to other people. They also use a number of different lighting styles depending on the characters mood or position he is in. For example, when he is alone the lighting darkens which adds to the sad mood the character is feeling after being alone but when he is out interacting with the public, the sun provides the scene with light which is used cleverly. He gradually smiles and as he does this the camera pans into a position where the sun can reflect over the character and brightens the mood for us and the character.

The industry that has created this movie and trailer is Warner Bros who's parent organization is Warner Media. They were founded on the 4th of April 1923 in Hollywood, Los Angles by Albert Warner.

This is aimed at an older audience as there are many dark scenes used in the movie and it shows someone depressed going mental and acting in a peculiar way. People who enjoy horror movies would enjoy this as it shows a character turning into something people can find terrifying and being very unpredictable, sometimes in a gruesome way. 

This represents someone who is depressed or not getting treated correctly in a very bad way for the audience as they might not be mentally stable and can become very strange. It is also shown as very disruptive and bossy towards people lives when they get their way and the attention they wanted.

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