Friday 8 November 2019

Newspaper homework - analyse a front cover

The newspaper company that published this cover was The Sun. They released this article on the 5th of September 2019 and published the title cover as 'Floppy Johnson can't get an election' after Boris Johnson failed to get an election in the week this was published.

The Sun's intended audience for this would've been B to C2 because it isn't a broadsheet that provides lots of information but it does give you the key details. It also has many jokes within titles as you can see here whereas newspapers such as The Guardian focus more on getting the information to the reader and not on making jokes and filling the pages with pictures.

In the title 'Floppy Johnson can't get an election' it is an obvious pun used with Boris Johnson's surname which can also be quite rude. This can take some of the seriousness off of the situation and the tone will a lot less serious just how The Sun would want it for their intended audience. Also, if the ruder situation of this happened in real life then it wouldn't be a good situation which can also let the audience know that it isn't just to be joked about.

The article topic is the fact that the Prime Minister cannot get an election and therefore the 'no deal' Brexit gets blocked. This article may not be suitable for younger people as they might not understand politics and therefore they won't understand the article.

An image used next to this title is a picture of Boris Johnson looking directly down and looking upset and annoyed.

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