Friday 10 January 2020

Daily Mail Front Cover Evaluation

1) The task we were given was to create a Daily Mail front cover for an older audience.
2) When researching front covers, I realised how big their headlines are and how big their photos and stories about the royal family are. I also saw that they love giving things away advertising this.
3)Image result for daily mail front coverI used this front cover as inspiration and used it for similar colours. I used it for the advert in the top right corner and the but just underneath that.
4) I found getting the text to be closer together like a newspapers is more challenging and putting it into columns because they need to be in line and cramped to include more to the story.
5) My initial feedback was to unstretch my photos and take hard news out of the part where the 'free inside' is. I think mine was successful but could be changed a little to look more like a Daily Mail front cover.
6) I think my top half of the newspaper is good and my text looks realistic. To improve I would change my headline font and my side photo of the royal family needs changing.
7) I didn't realise the date and how pro royal family the Daily Mail are.

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