Wednesday 22 January 2020

Jungle Book Essay question

Explain how the production and distribution of major Hollywood films has changed since the 1960s. Refer to the two versions of The Jungle Book to support your answer. In your answer you must: Explain how historical and economical contexts influence the production and distribution of major Hollywood films.

The ways in which major Hollywood films now produce and distribute their films has changed dramatically since the 1960s, when the first movie of The Jungle Book was released to the public to watch. In the 1960s, posters would've been used more to entice an audience but because of the technological advances we now have, the 2016 Jungle Book was treated to more ways to advertise and show off their re-make, mainly via social media and YouTube adverts. Therefore, I agree with the statement that the production and distribution of major Hollywood films has changed since the 1960s. To explain this, I will analyse both how they produced and distributed the 1960 movie and how the produced and distributed the 2016 remake and compare to find key differences and why this might be.

The 1967 Jungle book was Distributed to make the most possible money for Disney. The films were marketed by the use of posters and trailers that would appeal to kids and make them went to go watch the movie. When the movie was released it was continually re released to make the most money as possible. However, the 2016 Jungle Book was marketed in a way that it appealed to the widest possible audience. It's trailers were darker so that the film would appeal to a wider age group. The posters for the film highlighted the stars in the film, this would appeal to adults. The film was also marketed by social media, and cross promotion. Furthermore, the 2016 Jungle book heavily used nostalgia to help market the film to an older age demographic. All of this allowed the 2016 Jungle book to reach a wider audience than the 1967 Jungle book.

In 1967 to produce the The Jungle Book they used only 7 people to create the movie and spent a majority of their time drawing characters and scenes by hand and then animating them However, Disney developed this idea by using a multiplane camera which photographed a much larger number of layers of frames at once (sometimes as many as seven layers) of artwork,each at different distances from the camera and moving at different speeds which created the illusion of depth and almost 3D effect and allowed for tracking figures. It also enabled special effects to be created, such as moving water or flickering this would of been very modern and new for the time the movie was made and enticed an audience. This differs from 2016 where they spent a majority of their time using CGI to create the character through technology. And using blue screens to film the only real person in the movie, Mowgli.

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