Wednesday 29 April 2020

500 word essay

Explain how representations in music videos are chosen to produce the artist(s). Refer to one of the music videos you have studied to support your answer. [10]

Representations are chosen very carefully in the production of an artist's music video as it can have a huge impact on the meaning of the song, how it reaches its audience, and how they react to it.
In Corinne Bailey Rae's music video associated with her song 'Stop Where You Are', the representations are shown clearly to the audience so they can see the meaning behind her carefully constructed lyrics. The song is about helping others and taking others less fortunate than yourself into consideration and making their life better before you leave them behind. This music consists of different ages struggling in their everyday life and uses them to show the audience how just a few minutes of your time can impact their day and their life massively. The first person we see is a teenage girl who is shown to us through a long shot to show the audience that she is alone. She also has her hood up and it appears she is trying to hide to show she is shy and upset, possibly from the cause of other people. The artist, Corinne Bailey Rae, later appears to sit down with the girl in a dark corridor to attempt to make her feel better. After we are first shown the teenage girl, we are shown an adult female who is sat on her own and appears to be homeless. A businessman who appears to be wealthy is later seen passing her and ignoring her as she pleads for help but he comes back with a coffee for her and sits down and has a conversation with her which cheers her up as she starts to smile a lot more. The representation of age has been chosen as it can show that anything bad and something that can impact someone's life and mental health, can happen to anyone, no matter when you were born.
Secondly, the same video uses the representation of class really well to reveal to the audience that no matter what class or wealth you were born into, we are all equal to each other and we can all help each other to make everyone happier. This is again shown really well through the use of the homeless women and the businessman. They are both very different in class but the man who appears to be higher in class is still willing to help the homeless women and sit down with her and it cheers her up as she starts to smile. Even though he would've had work to do, he took time out of his day to cheers someone up less fortunate than him and it impacted her a lot as shown in the video. The use of this is perfect for the audience and is an attempt to make the world nicer to each other and help the less fortunate out.

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