Friday 24 April 2020


Does it succeed?
I think shelter succeeds in getting the right point across that they want to. Their use of big, bold text over the face layer is eye-catching and intriguing to anyone walking past. They also limit the number of words used for the main text so that someone can read it quickly when passing it but these words still get their message across easily and make you feel like you want to and need to help.
Next, they use the common person in the faces behind the writing so it makes us feel like it can happen to everyone. By doing this it really gets their point across to the reader and makes them feel sympathy for the person in the poster.
Next, they used a harsh colour in the main text, red, so that it stands out. Red is also the colour of blood which can signify pain so this shows us that the homeless go through a lot of pain and need our help urgently.

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